DE API Documentation

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Here are the definitions of the data records used to communicate through the endpoints.

Table of Contents


* The read access level means the user can download a file or folder, read it, and read its metadata. The modify access level gives the user read access level plus the ability to create, modify and delete file or folder metadata. For a file, this access level also gives the user the ability to modify the file. For a folder, this access level gives the ability to upload files and folders into the folder. The own access level gives the user complete control over the file or folder.

AVU Record

Here are the fields that describe and attribute-value-unit (AVU) triple.

Field Type Description
attribute string the attribute’s name
value string the attribute’s value
unit string the attribute’s unit, may be null


    "attribute" : "length",
    "value"     : "1.8",
    "unit"      : "meter"

Filesystem Entry Record

Here are the fields that describe a filesystem entry.

Field Type Description
id string the UUID of the entry
path string the logical path to the entry
permission string the aggregated access level of the client
userPermissions array an array of permission records identifying the permissions users have on this entry
dateCreated number the time when the file was created in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch
dateModified number the time when the file was last modified in milliseconds since the POSIX epoch
label string the logical name of the entry


    "id"              : "deadbeef-dead-beef-dead-beefdeadbeef",
    "path"            : "/iplant/home/tedgin/an-entry",
    "permission"      : "own",
    "userPermissions" : [
            "permission" : "own",
            "user"       : "tedgin#iplant"
            "permission" : "own",
            "user"       : "rodsadmin#iplant"
    "dateCreated"     : 1410399966001,
    "dateModified"    : 1410399966001,
    "label"           : "an-entry"

File Record

A file extends a filesystem entry. Here are the additional fields that describe a file.

Field Type Description
creator string the identity of the file’s creator in name#zone format
fileSize number the size of the file in octets
fileType string the type of the file, null if unknown
metadata array the metadata attached to this file, an array of AVU records


    "id"              : ""deadbeef-dead-beef-dead-beefdeadbeef"",
    "path"            : "/iplant/home/tedgin/an.file",
    "permission"      : "own",
    "userPermissions" : [
            "permission" : "own",
            "user"       : "tedgin#iplant"
            "permission" : "own",
            "user"       : "rodsadmin#iplant"
    "creator"         : "tedgin#iplant",
    "dateCreated"     : 1410399966001,
    "dateModified"    : 1410399966001,
    "fileSize"        : 14016,
    "label"           : "a.file",
    "fileType"        : null,
    "metadata"        : [
            "attribute" : "length",
            "value"     : "1.8",
            "unit"      : "meter",
            "attribute" : "color",
            "value"     : "red",
            "unit"      : null

Folder Record

A folder extends a filesystem entry. Here are the additional fields that describe a folder.

Field Type Description
creator string the identity of the folder’s creator in name#zone format
metadata array the metadata attached to this folder, an array of AVU records


    "id"              : ""deadbeef-dead-beef-dead-beefdeadbeef"",
    "path"            : "/iplant/home/tedgin/a-folder",
    "permission"      : "own",
    "userPermissions" : [
            "permission" : "own",
            "user"       : "tedgin#iplant"
            "permission" : "own",
            "user"       : "rodsadmin#iplant"
    "creator"         : "tedgin#iplant",
    "dateCreated"     : 1410399966001,
    "dateModified"    : 1410399966001,
    "label"           : "a-folder",
    "metadata"        : [
            "attribute" : "length",
            "value"     : "1.8",
            "unit"      : "meter",
            "attribute" : "color",
            "value"     : "red",
            "unit"      : null

Permission Record

Here are the fields that describe a permission.

Field Type Description
permission string the access level
user string the identity of the user having the given permission in name#zone format


    "permission" : "own",
    "user"       : "tedgin#iplant"

User Details Record

Here are the fields that describe a user’s details.

Field Type Description
username string the authenticated name of the identified user
zone string the iRODS zone where the user has been authenticated
email string the user’s email address
firstName string the given name of the user
lastName string the family name of the user
workspaceId number the internal identifier of the user’s DE workspace


    "username"    : "tedgin",
    "zone"        : "iplant",
    "email"       : "",
    "firstName"   : "tony",
    "lastName"    : "tedgin",
    "workspaceId" : 4