DE API Documentation

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Tool Endpoints

Listing and Searching for Tools

Secured Endpoint: GET /tools

Delegates to apps: GET /tools

Secured Endpoint: GET /admin/tools

Delegates to apps: GET /admin/tools

These endpoints are passthroughs to the apps endpoints using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Add a Private Tool

Secured Endpoint: POST /tools

Delegates to apps: POST /tools

This endpoint is a passthrough to the apps endpoint using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Listing Permissions for a Set of Tools

Secured Endpoint: POST /tools/permission-lister

Delegates to apps: POST /tools/permission-lister

This endpoint is a passthrough to the apps endpoint using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Granting Access to a Set of Tools

Secured Endpoint: POST /tools/sharing

Delegates to apps: POST /tools/sharing

This endpoint is a passthrough to the apps endpoint using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Revoking Access to a Set of Tools

Secured Endpoint: POST /tools/unsharing

Delegates to apps: POST /tools/unsharing

This endpoint is a passthrough to the apps endpoint using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Get a Tool by ID

Secured Endpoint: GET /tools/{tool-id}

Delegates to apps: GET /tools/{tool-id}

Secured Endpoint: GET /admin/tools/{tool-id}

Delegates to apps: GET /admin/tools/{tool-id}

These endpoints are passthroughs to the apps endpoints using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Importing Tools

Secured Endpoint: POST /admin/tools

Delegates to apps: POST /admin/tools

This endpoint is a passthrough to the apps endpoint using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Deleting Tools

Secured Endpoint: DELETE /tools/{tool-id}

Delegates to apps: DELETE /tools/{tool-id}

Secured Endpoint: DELETE /admin/tools/{tool-id}

Delegates to apps: DELETE /admin/tools/{tool-id}

These endpoints are passthroughs to the apps endpoints using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Updating Tools

Secured Endpoint: PATCH /tools/{tool-id}

Delegates to apps: PATCH /tools/{tool-id}

Secured Endpoint: PATCH /admin/tools/{tool-id}

Delegates to apps: PATCH /admin/tools/{tool-id}

These endpoints are passthroughs to the apps endpoints using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Listing Apps by Tool ID

Secured Endpoint: GET /tools/{tool-id}/apps

Delegates to apps: GET /tools/{tool-id}/apps

Secured Endpoint: GET /admin/tools/{tool-id}/apps

Delegates to apps: GET /admin/tools/{tool-id}/apps

These endpoints are passthroughs to the apps endpoints using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.

Making a Tool Public

Secured Endpoint: POST /admin/tools/{tool-id}/publish

Delegates to apps: POST /admin/tools/{tool-id}/publish

This endpoint is a passthrough to the apps endpoint using the same path. Please see the apps service documentation for more information.