DE Permanent ID Request API Documentation

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Permanent ID Requests

These endpoints create and manage user requests for persistent identifiers (DataCite DOIs) for data the user wishes to make public.

The persistent identifiers will be created with the DataCite API and managed using DataCite Fabrica.

Workflow Overview

  1. User reviews DOI Request Quickstart page and determines that a CyVerse DOI is appropriate for their data.
  2. User organizes their data in a single folder per Permanent ID, according to very general CyVerse guidelines.
  3. Based on what they learned from tutorial, user will complete DataCite metadata template on that folder.
  4. User creates a Permanent ID Request for this folder.
    • Request must be for one of the available Permanent ID Request types, however the DataCite API only supports creating new DOIs.
    • Request triggers the validation check within the DE of the metadata and folder name (must not conflict with any folder names in the data commons repo staging or curated folders).
    • If pass:
    • If fail, user returns to Step 3.
  5. Curator finds request with Permanent ID Request listing.
  6. Curator creates Permanent ID for this request.
    • Folder name must not conflict with any folder names in the data commons repo curated folder.
    • Metadata from folder is submitted to the DataCite API in order to create the requested Permanent ID (which currently only supports DOIs).
    • Fails:
    • Passes:
      • Permanent ID is generated and notification sent to curator and user.
      • Request status automatically updated to Completion.
      • Folder metadata automatically updated to include new Permanent ID and current date.
      • Folder automatically moved to data commons repo curated folder.
        • Curators automatically given own permission.
        • Public automatically given read permission.
      • Curator checks that data is public and visible on mirrors, that metadata appears correct on the DataCite Fabrica landing page, and that the Permanent ID redirect works.